自有品牌積極打入美國市場儘管自有品牌近幾年在美銷量成長較某些歐洲國家緩慢,仍積極打入經濟持續衰退的美國市場。由於家庭預算持續吃緊,迫使有品牌忠誠度的美國消費者轉趨選購自有品牌食品。現在自有品牌在美國零售市場市占率達房屋二胎19.5%,自有品牌的水產類罐頭佔總水產類罐頭銷量的14.8%。由Perception Research Services公布的報表發現, 2011年自有品牌銷量及消費者宣稱較2010年的購買量都有成長(38% vs 32%)。另在仍是星琪、巨峰及海底雞三大知名品牌天下的當鋪罐頭市場中也漸漸展露頭角;結算至2012年3月底止每年零售價為17.5億美元,三大品牌約囊括82%,自有品牌則拿下16.8%(29,440萬美元);以量來計算,自有品牌佔同期總銷量的22% (700萬件)。看好自有品牌產品的成長潛力,相信經過企業併土地買賣購(M&A)將更具市場競爭力。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 11/2012,15 June 2012) USA: As the economic downturn continues, private labels have expanded in the US market in recent years even though the growth is 澎湖民宿slower compared with some European countries. As household budgets continue to be stretched, traditionally brand-loving US consumers have placed more private-label foods in their baskets. Private label now holds a 酒肉朋友19.5% share of the US grocery market, while in the canned seafood category private labels hold around 14.8% of the total canned seafood sales. According to figures from Perception Research Services, more 票貼private-label products were purchased in 2011 with more shoppers claiming to have bought more than they did in 2010 (38% vs 32%). A similar trend is also expected for canned tuna where the market is still 賣房子dominated by three major brands namely StarKist, Bumble Bee and Chicken of the Sea. These three major brands took around 82% of US$1.75 billion retail sales per year ending March 2012, while private labels 租屋網contributed 16.8% of the total or US$294.4 million. In quantity, however, private labels made up for 22% (7 million cases) of the total sales during the same period. Given the growth potential of the category, it 吳哥窟is predicted that company consolidation will continue mainly through Merger & Acquisition (M&A) to remain competitive in the market.

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